As you are enjoy the Tryptophan induced coma your wife is probably in the Kitchen throwing away the ravaged remains of the Thanksgiving Turkey. But Don't do that. You are throwing away a valuable resource. You can use that carcass to make a delicious Turkey Stock that will make what my wife called a near perfect Chicken Noodle Soup. Now of course I achieved this feat of greatness (in my own mind) not be being perfect. I couldn't do anything perfect if my life depending on it. As usual it was an accident (doh!-licious). Here is the recipe.
How to Make Delicious Turkey Stock
Turkey Bones
*1/2 quart of Carrot Tops (not the greens just the nubs you usually don't eat)
Two large handfuls of fresh chopped or dehydrated leaks
3 or 4 regular sized celery stalks chopped
half a jar of dehydrated or fresh chopped onions.
handful of fresh or dehydrated parsley flakes
7 or 8 Dried Sage Leaves
1 large sprig of rosemary
A couple large shakes of Thyme
1 Tablespoon Celery Powder
1 Monkey Wrench to Crack the Turkey BonesDirections:
2. Fill the pot with water to just about an inch over the ingredients.
3. Simmer (1 or 2 bubbles a minute) until all the meat starts to fall of the turkey.
4. Remove the Turkey Bones Take the meat off the bones and throw away (or add to your collection of leftovers)
5. Crack the bones with your monkey wrench and toss them back into the pot.
6. Simmer until it is concentrated to the desired taste.
7. Strain through a fine mesh strainer when it tastes good.
8. Pour into containers and refrigerate overnight.
9. Skim the congealed fat (if any) off the top of container and freeze until ready.
*I save the top and bottom pieces that I cut off the carrots to use for Broths. If you want you can just put carrots in there instead. But I am broke as a joke so I have try and reuse everything I can.
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(copyrighted) Dug Impossible
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